Urology Blog

How can a urology visit help you

Urology is an important medical specialty serving infants, children, adults and seniors living with conditions affecting their urinary tract. Doctors who specialize in urology, known as urologists or
Copy of Mole on Shoulder

Skin cancer prevention- 5 tips

May is Skin Cancer Prevention Month. Many people don't realize that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer there is, and it can be deadly in some cases. At SIU Medicine, we want your family to
sinus issues

Sinus issues 101

The sinuses consist of air spaces in your skull and facial bones, specifically within your forehead, inside your cheekbones and behind the nose. These air spaces make up the upper part of your
Digestive Health

5 simple steps to improve your digestive health

Here's a great trivia fact: The total length of the average adult's digestive tract, from mouth to rear-end, is up to 30 feet long. All that tissue—tongue, esophagus, stomach, small intestines and

Alzheimer's research advances at SIU Medicine

Right now, an estimated 5.8 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. As the global population continues to age, more people will be affected by this neurodegenerative disorder. Sadly, Alzheimer’s
sexual health

STD awareness week: know the facts and take care of your health

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Awareness week is April 11-17 and happens to fall during a pandemic. To educate and assist patients who might be experiencing symptoms during this time, SIU Medicine
Raise your ms awareness

Raise your multiple sclerosis awareness

Throughout March, SIU Medicine is promoting multiple sclerosis (MS) education and awareness. Here are some facts about this common health condition. 1. MS is a chronic disorder affecting the nervous
Urology Kidney

Learn about your kidneys

March is National Kidney Month. SIU Medicine wants to help you learn more about these important organs, and how you can improve your kidney health. Kidneys 101 You have two kidneys—one on the left and

All about asthma

Asthma is a common ailment—1 in 13 people in the United States have it according to the CDC. Over the past several years, the incidence of asthma has been increasing, too. Fortunately, asthma can be