
Facts about arthritis

Did you know there are more than 100 different types of arthritis? Arthritis can affect people of all ages—even children—although it's most common in older adults. And as our population gets older

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a common yet frequently misunderstood neurological disorder. SIU Medicine would like to help our community become more educated about the condition. Read on to discover five key things
blog-annual-well-woman exam

What to expect at a well woman exam

Annual well-woman visits provide an opportunity to speak with a knowledgeable physician about your health and lifestyle. There's no need to be embarrassed discussing intimate topics like reproductive

It's back-to-school time: Time to boost your child’s health

We know you value your child's health. We also know that back-to-school time can be a chaotic and sometimes stressful time of year. Optimize your child's well-being by practicing these five simple yet

Learn more about neurology

At SIU Medicine, highly trained and experienced teams of neurology specialists work with children, adults and seniors affected by neurological conditions. Care is provided in the Department of

Common causes of snoring ─ and what you can do about it

If you snore, you may assume it's really only a problem for your partner and not you. The truth is, snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can lead to poor sleep for both yourself and your loved

What is social anxiety disorder?

Most of us know what it's like to sometimes feel a little shy or nervous around other people. But for a few individuals, social situations can be physically distressing. At SIU Medicine, our mental

Childhood cancer

Learning your child has cancer is a life-altering and frightening experience. Thankfully, the survival rate for childhood cancer beyond 5 years has increased by roughly 70 percent over the past four

All about scoliosis: causes, signs, treatment

The healthy spine isn't perfectly straight—and that's a good thing! The natural forward and backward curves make it easier for our spines to absorb forces as we move about our day. The spine normally