
FAQs about an OB-GYN visit

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The SIU Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology team is honored to care for women of all ages, and this May, we are celebrating Women’s Health Month with our patients, colleagues and the community. Our commitment is to offer all women the brightest minds and the latest treatments. 

So, what do women need to know to live their healthiest lives? Here are some honest answers to frequently asked questions about women's health-related topics. 

What is an OB-GYN?

An OB-GYN is a medical doctor who specializes in obstetrics (the field of medicine focusing on pregnancy, childbirth, and the care of pregnant and postpartum women) and gynecology (the field of medicine focusing on female reproductive health).

How often should women visit their OB-GYN and why is this important?

"Women 21 and older should visit their OB-GYN every year to share information and discuss health care," says SIU Medicine OB-GYN Jeffrey Olejnik, MD. These visits are invaluable opportunities for any female to discuss a range of issues related to their personal and reproductive health. The discussions often go into more detail and scope than what would be talked about with a primary care doctor, whom many healthy women do not see every year. 

Perimenopausal women ages 40-55 years old could benefit from discussions about urinary incontinence, decreased libido, menopausal symptoms and hormone replacement options. 

For women over the age of 65, Medicare typically allows an OB-GYN breast and pelvic exam every two years, Dr. Olejnik says. Mammograms should still be performed yearly. Bone density DEXA scans can be performed to detect osteoporotic bone loss that could put women at risk for bone fractures.

Women younger than 21 usually don’t need to see a gynecologist as their pediatrician can usually take care of most of their health issues. "However, if the need arises, the pediatrician may make a referral to the gynecologist for specialty care," says Olejnik.

What happens during a typical visit? 

At the OB-GYN, a woman can expect services and education about topics such as:

  • The different forms of birth control available
  • Common health concerns such as high blood pressure, overweight or obesity, heavy menstrual cycles, uterine cramping, breast issues, libido issues or pain during intercourse
  • What is needed for planning a healthy pregnancy
  • Ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including the HPV vaccine
  • Screening for sexually transmitted infections, cervical cancer (e.g., Pap test) or other conditions based on personal risk and health history
  • Offer pelvic physical therapy for patients with prolapse or incontinence
  • Help navigate menopause symptoms with hormone and non-hormonal treatments 
  • Breast and pelvic examination from the OB-GYN

During a visit with the OB-GYN, your doctor can also assess for other conditions or issues that may warrant a referral to other specialists, including acne or other skin disorders, enlarged thyroid, heart rhythm abnormalities, mood issues and urologic issues such as incontinence.

What is a Pap test? How often should a woman receive one? 

A Pap test or Pap smear screening is a cervical cancer screening tool. It is used to look at the cells of the cervix and presence of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) to determine your risk of getting cervical cancer.

Based on current best evidence, Pap test cytology screening is recommended starting at age 21 and then every three years until age 29. In women aged 30 to 65, Pap smear cytology and HPV DNA screenings are generally performed together and recommended every five years. It is customary to stop performing cervical cancer screening after a hysterectomy or after age 65, unless a woman belongs to a high-risk category, which can be discussed with your provider. 

Routine Pap tests and cervical screenings have made a tremendous difference in the lives of American women, says Dr. Olejnik. "It is important to remember that as recently as 80 years ago, cancer of the cervix and uterus caused more deaths in women than breast, lung or ovarian cancer." Beginning in the 1940s, cervical cancer screenings have greatly reduced the number of women diagnosed with cervical cancer. More recent widespread use of the HPV vaccine has further decreased the presence of abnormal pap smears, cervical cancer and the associated uncomfortable procedures that women would otherwise have to endure. 

Why should I be concerned about HPV?

According to the U.S. Office of Women's Health, human papilloma virus is the most common type of sexually transmitted infection in the United States. More than 80% of adults will have HPV at some point during their lifetime. 

Unlike some other viral infections, HPV, which is passed by skin-to-skin contact, is usually transient and can resolve on its own without treatment over several years. Most types of HPV are considered "low-risk" and can cause benign warty lesions. 

However, certain forms of HPV are responsible for cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, penile and oral pharyngeal cancers, and we now know that it takes many years for an HPV-related cancer to develop after the initial HPV infection. This is why it's still important to be screened for it on a routine basis. 

If a woman receives abnormal results from a Pap test or HPV DNA screening, what are the next steps?

Many women who receive an abnormal test may be encouraged to repeat their Pap smear and HPV DNA screening annually to monitor the resolution of the HPV infection.  Usually, three consecutive years of negative cytology and negative high-risk HPV screening can allow women to return to the usual cervical cancer screening frequency.  

However, if a Pap test result persistently suggests a concerning high-grade lesion, diagnostic cervical biopsies should be performed.  Depending upon the cervix tissue biopsy results, ongoing annual screening cytology and high-risk HPV testing may be recommended. Surgical treatment of the cervix may also be recommended. Usually, this can all be done during outpatient visits to the OB-GYN office, without having to go to the operating room.

Do you have more questions about women's health?

SIU Medicine drives innovative, forward-thinking research and best-practice clinical care for women from all walks of life. Our providers will be your advocate, confidant and guide throughout your health care journey. If you have concerns about your health or are advocating for a female loved one, contact SIU Medicine today by calling 217-545-8000 to schedule an appointment.

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